Smelliest fruit in the world
Smelliest fruit in the world
Smelliest fruit in the world
[A] Nashi Pear
[B] Snake Fruit
[C] Papaya
[D] Durian
Smelliest fruit in the world
- [D] Durian
- Smelliest fruit in the world
- Durian
- The durian fruit smell has been compared to garbage, raw sewage and sweaty socks.
- In fact, durian smells so pungent that it has famously been banned from public transit, airports and hotels in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong.
- Fresh, ripe durians have an incredibly delicious and sweet flavor. It’s often described as custardy, and its flavor is compared to caramel, vanilla, and even cheesecake. The texture is soft and somewhat pillowy.