Category: China

China’s Sorrow

China’s Sorrow Which River Is Called “China’s Sorrow? [A] Yangtze[B] Yellow River[C] Mekong River[D] Sunghwa River Yellow River

Yellow River

Yellow River Yellow River Iis present in which country? [A] Brazil[B] Tanzania[C] France[D] China Yellow River

National capital of China

National capital of China National capital of China [A] Beijing[B] Shanghai[C] Wuhan[D] Chengdu National capital of China

Largest number of international borders

Most international borders – Which country in the world has the largest number of international borders? Which country has most international borders? [A] India[B] China[C] Brazil[D] Tanzania Largest number of international borders China also...

China – Time zones

China – Time zones China spans the equivalent of [A] Three time zones[B] Four time zones[C] Five time zones[D] Six time zones China – Time zones