GK Questions with Answers - General Knowledge
Salt is obtained from sea water by the process of Salt is obtained from sea water by the process of [A] Evaporation[B] Sublimation[C] Adsorption[D] Absorption Salt is obtained from sea water by the process...
Country not a member of BRICS Country not a member of BRICS [A] Brazil[B] India[C] China[D] Japan Country not a member of BRICS
Nepenthes Khasiana an endangered and rare plant found in [A] Bihar[B] Meghalaya[C] Odisha[D] Madhya Pradesh Nepenthes Khasiana an endangered and rare plant found in
Device used for counting blood cells [A] Hmelethometer[B] Spyscometer[C] Hamosytometer[D] Hemocytometer Device used for counting blood cells ANSWER[D] Hemocytometer
COPD is most commonly caused by [A] Pollution[B] Dust[C] Smoking[D] Exposure to asbestos COPD is most commonly caused by ANSWER[C] Smoking
Shitake and Enoki are varieties of which vegetable Shitake and Enoki are varieties of which vegetable [A] Broccoli[B] Mushroom[C] Asparagus[D] Aubergine Shitake and Enoki are varieties of which vegetable
Highest water contain fruit Highest water contain fruit [A] Watermelon[B] Papaya[C] Jackfruit[D] Tomato Highest water contain fruit
Smelliest fruit in the world Smelliest fruit in the world [A] Nashi Pear[B] Snake Fruit[C] Papaya[D] Durian Smelliest fruit in the world
Loganberry is a cross between a blackberry and Loganberry is a cross between a blackberry and [A] Strawberry[B] Blueberry[C] Raspberry[D] Blackcurrant Loganberry is a cross between a blackberry and
Only fruit to have seeds on the outside Only fruit to have seeds on the outside [A] Strawberry[B] Lychee[C] Raspberry[D] Pineapple Only fruit to have seeds on the outside
Papain is a natural digestive aid that is found naturally in Papain is a natural digestive aid that is found naturally in [A] Mango[B] Lychee[C] Papaya[D] Orange Papain is a natural digestive aid that...